Sunday, October 14, 2007

No one wants Maggie!

We had to put Maggie on a consignment lot. Even though we under priced her we could not sale her. So Scotts Valley RV is going to try. And they are asking $40k more than we were. GO FIGURE!!!! AND LET'S JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS!


Molly and Al too! said...

Maggie looks so sad but I just know that someone will come along that want's to buy her. We still have (Dottie) our 25.5 Ft. Hitchhiker 5th Wheel on consignment too. I know that because Dottie is all set up for 'living in the desert' that someone will want her too.......and yes someone out there wants Maggie. Love ya both.

JEANNE and JACK said...

Wishing Maggie new loving owners real soon.