Saturday, March 28, 2009

The whole day was a blast!

Loya, Bob. Gordon and I spent the whole day just having a great day.
We went to the Valley of Fire and saw the most amazing fossilized sand dunes
in different phases of development. We have been here before but crap we
have CRS. (can't remember stuff). We had a wonderful picnic the weather
was perfect....then I pulled out the dominoes and we finished the game we
had started the night before. Loya was the Big Winner, she left Bob her husband in the dust and Bob usually beats us, nice change!!! HAHA! After
a long day of sight seeing we headed for Del Taco to try out the Bacon, Dell
Burger and yes it was really good then we ended the day at COLD STONE
oh my gosh get me out of here!!!!!!!!!!

If you double click on the picture it will get larger and you can see them better.
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1 comment:

Molly and Al too! said...

WOW that Valley of Fire is one of the most gorgeous places ~ yet the true red of those rocks and whole surrounding area really does not come out very well on pix. I noticed this when we were there but your pictures are still fabulous and extremely awesome. (not your fault).
Keep having fun in the sun...