Sunday, November 13, 2011


Thank you for all the men in my life that have served our country...
I will start with my Dad, Louis Martinez, (Air Force) my Uncle Alex (my mother's brother-Air force)
my husband, Gordon, (Navy) Kevin (on the left) in the Navy (still in reserves) Garrick, ( Gordon's youngest son Air Force) and my son Wil in the Army....Tony Malta (my sister Lola's husband) also a Navy man...My twin brother, Lance Martinez, Marines. My grandson, Mike Kosiba, Army going to Afghanistan in December...

We went to TGIF for dinner where our two Veterans had a free dinner....

Kevin went to his son's school and did a wonderful power point presentation about
serving in the military and what it means to him and to us...

M My patriotic jacket done and worn today....

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your jacket is fantastic. I love it. Love, Lola